Thursday, May 21, 2015

Spring Hunt Test Assignments/Tips

We have our team for the CFRC Spring Hunt test at Teal Lodge!  These are the preliminary assignments:

Please check in at the lodge with myself or with Head Marshal Jennifer Tucker to complete your waiver and release forms and to get any changes to your assignments.   Marshals should check in with Jennifer Tucker FIRST before heading out to your stakes.

Saturday, 23 May Master Stakes, 8AM (All Help Be On site By 7AM) 

  • Nancy Rompa -- Marshal
  • Dan Kielty -- Test Dog
  • Scott Olson, Brian Boles -- Live Gunners
  • Keith Finley, Carol Finley, Michaela Finley,Mark Helwick - Popper/Winger Station
  • Michael Martinez +1 - Popper/Winger  Station
  • Ian Helwick - Blind Planter
  • Sarah Olson - Blind Planter

Please report in to Brad Hjelm  for specific station assignments

Saturday, 23 May Junior States, 8:30 AM (All Help Be On Site By 7:30 AM)

  • Carol Hanft -- Marshal
  • Justin Camm -- Test Dog
  • Randy Harrold/Jeremy Loerbrau -- Live Gunners
  • Bob Brinkman/Nancy Ego -- Popper/Winger Station
  • Dan Hunter/Robert Day -- Popper/Winger Station

Please report in to Scott Kling  for specific station assignments

Sunday 24 May Master Stakes, 8AM (All help be on site by 7AM) 

  • Nancy Rompa -- Marshal
  • Brad Hjelm, Keith Finley, Carol Finley, Michael Martinez,Mark Helwick  -- Popper/Winger Stations
  • Ian Helwick -- Blind Planter
  • Michaela Finley -- Blind Planter

Please report in to Brad Hjelm for specific station assignments

Sunday 24 May Senior Stakes, 8:30 AM (All help be on site by 7:30 AM) 

  • Kathy Janda -- Marshal
  • Scott Kling -- Test Dog
  • Scott Olson, Brian Boles -- Live Gunners
  • Kathy Strathearn, Vic Rompa, Sarah Olson -- Popper/Winger Station
  • Cael Helwick -- Blind Planter
Please report in to Scott Kling for specific station assignments

Directions (from the test catalog): 

Directions from Denver, Colo (approximately 75 miles)

  1. Take I-76 Northeast towards Ft. Morgan. Take Exit 60 - at the end of the exit ramp, turn left back under the highway, then turn right heading northeast on the frontage road. Turn left onto Hwy 144 (following signs to Orchard and Jackson Reservoir)
  2. Take Hwy 144 (across Hwy 34 and across the South Platte) until the road takes a sharp right,instead Stay straight which will take you into Orchard (landmark: white gas station) 
  3. Stay straight through town and the road will end in a "T" Take it right and follow it through a sharp left - this is MCR 2 on a map. 
  4. Follow MCR 2 for approximately 2 miles - you will see County Road AA to the right - ON THE LEFT IS The Entrance Gate to the TEAL LODGE. Follow this road, and just before the flat bridge at the canal, take the road left until you see cars parked - driveway is about 1 mile total.
Directions from Greeley (approx 35 miles) Take Hwy 34 East towards Ft Morgan. Turn left onto Hwy 144 towards Orchard, follow the directions above to the Teal Lodge.

A Few General Tips For Newcomers:

  • We ask all help to be on site on hour early so we can get the gear set up and judges have a chance to check out their setups early so we can get started on time. We'll need you there for the duration of the test but we anticipate plenty of help so we will be able to spell you and give you a chance to take a break .
  • Please wear dark-colored, subdued or camouflage clothing - no white or bright clothing. For your own protection you should definitely wear a hat as well. Since it has been rather wet and rain is possible, have rain gear available at least in your vehicle. Since we've had a fair amount of rain lately if you have mud/muck boots you might find them handy especially when working at the water series. 
  • Sunblock and bug spray is highly recommended. If you forget to use your own, we will have sunblock and bug spray in the marshals box at the site in case you don't bring your own.
  • If you are working a popper/winger station, if you have ear plugs that you like you should bring them, otherwise we have short-term use foam plugs. If you have your own duck call you can bring it, otherwise we will have one for you to use during the test.
  • The club will provide you with lunch (usually at midday between the land and water series) and there will be coolers at the sites in the various stations with water and flavored sports drinks to keep you well hydrated.
  • Please follow the instructions of the judges and marshals. The judges will have specific instructions about what they want (placement/landing of birds, use and timing of calls and poppers, etc) and you should be as consistent as possible in your execution of these instructions to help ensure a fair test for each dog entered in the test.
  • Safety First! Please make sure you operate the equipment safely. If you aren't sure how to setup and operate a winger or use a popper gun or thunder gun, make sure to ask for help. We have enough experienced hands to make sure you know how to perform your assignments safely.
  • Please help with setup and take-down of your various stations so we can promptly proceed to the next series of each test.  When finished with a series please make sure you pick up any litter (water bottles, popper shells, boxes, bags, DUCKS, etc) that might be in your station.  As guests on private land, we want to continue our good relationship with the landowner and the best way to do that is leave their property the way we found it. 

Thanks to each of you for volunteering and lets have a great Spring Hunt Test.   See you out there.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Spring Hunt Test Update

Hi all and I hope you had a successful hunting season and are now enjoying our wonderful Colorado springtime while getting ready for hunt tests with your fabulous retrievers.

As you know, our Spring Hunt Test at Teal Lodge is coming up quickly and we still need a couple of key positions filled to make sure our test is a success.  Please contact me if you are able to help in one of these areas:

  • The Head Marshal is needed to make sure we have marshals at each of the stakes, ensuring novice marshals are aware of their responsibilities, and helping us round up additional help at each of the stakes. 
  • Gun Captain to help us get qualified gunners and backup gunners for each of the stakes. 
Betty King has graciously volunteered to take on the Hospitality role and will be making sure our judges and workers have plenty of refreshment and tasty lunches to carry them through each day of the test.  Thank you Betty for taking on this important job!

As you know, these tests can't happen without YOUR help, whether its marshaling, planting blinds, gunning birds, running a popper station, or simply providing arms and legs to help get equipment in and out of the field and set up for the tests.

If you are able to help out please contact me via email ( or phone (720-262-3872).  Please let me know:
  • Your contact info (name, phone and email address)
  • Which day you can help (Sat, 23 May or Sun 24 May).  
  • What tasks you are willing/able to perform. 
Finally, the club will be using Thunder guns at one of our stakes this year.  Gaby just received them this week and we will be checking them out and training folks in this use at our first club training day at Carol Brady's property on Sunday, April 19th.  If you were planning on helping out this year, that would be a good occasion to come check out our new toys. 

Thanks, and let's have a great spring hunt test. 

Earl Bradshaw
Spring Hunt Test Chairman